Published on July 22, 2014 at 8:16
Auckland(New Zealand): Lee Weir, a 27 year old Simpsons fan from New Zealand has set a new Guinness world record for the highest number of tattoos printed on a human body.
The Tattoos which belong to the same category are very stylish in appearance.
For this achievement he has made 41 Homers inked attractive designs on his skin.
The father of Mr Weir was in total love with the famous animated sitcom.
But he had banned his son from watching the popular cartoon.
All of Weir’s tattoos including the Homer Simpson sleeve were done by one artist.
It is said that the artist had taken about 25 hours to complete the Tattoos.
It was in 2007 that Weir had made his first Homer Simpson Tattoo on his body.
Video on printing the Homer Simpson Tattoo