Psychological Dependence: Definition, Symptoms, and Treatment

Published on August 23, 2023 at 3:33

psychological dependence on alcohol

It’s essential to be aware of these risks, as they underscore the critical nature of moderation or, when necessary, complete abstinence. Alcohol, a prevalent substance in social and cultural settings worldwide, possesses significant sway over both physical and psychological health. While moderate psychological dependence on alcohol consumption can be a harmless part of social gatherings, excessive intake leads to severe health complications and psychological disorders. This article delves into the multifaceted impacts of alcohol on the human body and mind, shedding light on the necessity of addressing these issues through informed choices and available treatment options.

12.3. Studies considered for review

  • This meant that despite the limited evidence the GDG felt that the provision of information and the use of a range of self-help interventions (with relatively low cost) should be offered to families.
  • The goal of psychosocial treatments is to target a person’s cognitive decision-making and their social environments.
  • Couples-based interventions (including behavioural couples therapy BCT) involve the spouse or partner expressing active support for the person who misuses alcohol in reducing alcohol use, including support via the use of behavioural contracts.
  • Alcohol directly affects the brain by interacting with neurotransmitters like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine, which regulate mood, behavior, and decision-making.
  • Many of the recent studies considered have involved small samples, comparing a diverse range of variables both in terms of sample characteristics and treatment process factors (McLellan & Alterman, 1991).

Therefore, the GDG consensus was that a narrative summary of these studies would be conducted. These studies were conducted between 1987 and 2002, and provided data on 752 participants. The systematic search of the health economic literature did not identify evidence on the cost effectiveness of all of the psychological interventions considered in this guideline. Three of the studies identified were UK-based (Alwyn et al., 2004; Slattery et al., 2003; UKATT Research Team, 2005), two were US-based (Fals-Stewart et al., 2005; Holder et al., 2000) and one was Australian (Mortimer & Segal, 2005). The study by Alwyn and colleagues (2004) suggested that adding a psychological intervention to a home detoxification programme may offer the NHS cost savings in ‘problem drinkers’.

psychological dependence on alcohol

Neuroinflammation and Mental Health

  • At the time of publication of the NICE guideline (February 2011), acamprosate did not have UK marketing authorisation for this indication.
  • However, a significant benefit (low to moderate effect size) was observed for social network and environment-based therapies over control in reducing the quantity of alcohol consumed when assessed at 6-, 9-, 18- and 21-month follow-up.
  • This is consistent with other studies; for example, Feeley and colleagues (1999) reported that alliance quality was related to early symptom change.
  • This analysis involved a single study (LAM2009), which assessed BCT with and without the addition of parental skills training.

This subsection traces the emergence of alcohol dependence in medical literature, highlighting key milestones in the recognition of its distinctive features and consequences. Understanding this historical context is pivotal for appreciating the evolving nature of societal attitudes towards alcohol use. Then, as dependence takes over, it’s possible you will find you get the shakes if you don’t have a drink, what is alcoholism and so feel the need to keep drinking to avoid experiencing very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Being dependent on alcohol can also affect your relationships with your partner, family and friends, or affect your work and cause financial problems.

psychological dependence on alcohol

Food addiction

psychological dependence on alcohol

These medications have been shown to help people with dependence reduce their drinking, avoid relapse to heavy drinking, and achieve and maintain abstinence. Naltrexone acts to reduce the craving for alcohol in those who have stopped drinking. Acamprosate is thought to work by reducing symptoms, such as anxiety and insomnia, that may follow lengthy abstinence. Disulfiram discourages drinking by making individuals feel sick if they drink alcohol.

What Does It Mean To Have a Substance Abuse Problem?

A potential solution to this problem would be to undertake economic modelling to determine the most cost-effective psychological intervention. However, certain aspects of the effectiveness evidence made it difficult to do so (that is, there was a lack of common comparators and interventions were usually compared with other active interventions, a ‘no treatment/usual care/placebo’ arm was rarely identified). Of all the psychological interventions included in the systematic effectiveness review and then found suitable for recommendation in the NHS, only a few of these have supporting economic evidence.

The Link Between Alcoholism and Depression from the Brain Chemistry Point of View

It’s a spectrum disorder, meaning individuals can fall anywhere along this continuum. Treatment for drugs and psychological dependency is best done with the help of an addiction specialist or mental health professional. We can help you through detox and the psychological work that needs to be done afterward. Not all drugs have been directly linked to physical dependence, but many have been linked with psychological dependence.

  • Understanding these immediate effects is crucial for recognising how alcohol consumption can escalate from casual use to dependency.
  • The outcome measure used in the analysis was QALYs calculated from disability weights derived from a single published source (Stouthard et al., 1997).
  • There are several limitations of the results of the study by Mortimer and Segal (2005) that reduce their applicability to any UK-based recommendations.
  • Other types of drugs are available to help manage the symptoms of withdrawal that may occur after someone with alcohol dependence stops drinking.
  • On average, it takes several months to a year to achieve sobriety and establish a healthy, alcohol-free lifestyle.
  • Disulfiram discourages drinking by making individuals feel sick if they drink alcohol.

25.2. Studies considered for review

Of the three included trials, there was only one involving a comparison of social network and environment-based therapies versus control that met the criteria for inclusion. LITT2007 assessed network support (both with and without contingency management) versus a case management active control. In this study, network support involved encouraging the participant to change their social network from one that promotes drinking to one that encourages abstinence as well as encouraging the use of established social support networks such as AA.

18.2. Clinical review protocol (psychoeducational interventions)

The addition of contingency management to network support was not beneficial in maintaining abstinence both post-treatment and up to 9-month follow-up. However, network support without https://ecosoberhouse.com/ contingency management was more effective at maintaining abstinence at 12- to 24-month follow-up. No difference was observed between behavioural therapies in attrition both at post-treatment and 6-month follow-up.

  • After a person stops drinking alcohol, they may experience a low level of withdrawal lasting for months.
  • The only trial suitable for inclusion was SANDAHL1998, which investigated group-based time-limited group psychotherapy (or a short-term psychodynamic therapy, as described above) versus another active intervention, which in this case was relapse prevention.

psychological dependence on alcohol

It should be noted that some trials included in analyses were three- or four-arm trials. To avoid double counting, the number of participants in treatment conditions used in more than one comparison was divided (by half in a three-arm trial, and by three in a four-arm trial). A limited number of studies, specifically on alcohol-focused interventions, have been undertaken for children and young people. However, a number of studies have considered the treatment of conduct disorder in the presence of drug or alcohol misuse. Individual- and group-based therapies and multicomponent interventions used in the treatment of alcohol dependence and harmful alcohol use in children and young people were considered in the review of the evidence.

Social learning models

Use becomes abuse when it starts interfering with daily functioning, relationships, or health. Dependence, on the other hand, is characterized by a physical or psychological need for alcohol, often accompanied by tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. The study of alcohol in psychology is not merely an academic pursuit; it’s a vital endeavor that touches countless lives. As we delve into the intricate relationship between alcohol and the human psyche, we’ll explore its effects on behavior, cognition, and mental health.

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