Published on April 10, 2014 at 1:28
Perth: The search operations for the missing Malaysian jet have now been carrying out on a particular location in the Indian Ocean on the basis of the fresh underwater signals collected by the ships. It has been assumed that these signals were from the plane’s black box.
The current search zone is the smallest with respect to area and lies approximately 2280 kilometers North West of Perth.
About 10 military aircraft, four civil aircraft and 13 ships are participated in the ongoing search operations for the missing plane in the narrowed search zone.
Australian ship Ocean Shield having ping locator received two more signals last day from the Southern Indian Ocean.
The batteries powering the black box are certified to be working for only 30 days. Stored in a plane’s tail, they are designed to begin sending off distinct, high-pitched pings or signals as soon as they come in contact with water.
Video on the recent search operations for the missing Malaysian jetliner