Published on July 15, 2014 at 12:11
USA: The pet dog Duke Roberts may not have led a charmed life, but his lady owner Jordan Green Roberts, 37, has done her best to ensure that the last day of his life was well blessed.
This chocolate Labrador was survived an ailment called Osteosarcoma last year and undergone an amputation to treat the ailment. Then, Jordan Green Roberts, hoped that his worst-time was over.
However, a visit to the veterinarian indicated more heartbreaking news about the pet dog. According to his doctor, Duke had been suffering from an aggressive form of cancer and his tumor was unlikely to respond to further treatment.
The doctor told Roberts that the size of the tumor ruled out surgery and chemotherapy would do little to halt its progression. Hoping to rescue Duke from further pain, Roberts resolved to put him down after giving him one last gift.
Joined by her husband, Duke’s groomer and friends, Roberts celebrated Duke’s last day in a magnificent manner. The group fed Duke with hamburgers and milkshakes, spirited him into a children’s water park, and showered him with love and affection before a veterinarian arrived and put a painless end to his misery.
Roberts told ABC News that they never wanted to see their beloved dog suffering and so decided to celebrate his life, just before the circumstances becoming too bad.
Video on the Labradore Dog Duke