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What 15 almonds every day can do to your health


Almonds are an incredibly popular tree nut. Despite being high in fat, they are highly nutritious and extremely healthy. Natural, unsalted almonds are a tasty and nutritious snack with plenty of health benefits. Loaded with minerals, they are also among the healthiest of tree nuts. Just a handful of nutrient-rich almonds a day helps promote heart health and prevent weight gain, and it may even help fight diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
Almonds are found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel. This highly nutritional nut is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Compared to all other nuts, they are the most packed with nutrients and beneficial components. Both sweet and bitter almonds are readily available. Traditionally, sweet almonds are edible, while bitter almonds are used to make almond oil, a common oil that is used to add flavour to food.

Nutrient profile


Almonds boast an incredibly impressive nutrient profile.
A 1 ounce (28 grams, or small handful) serving of almonds contains (1):
* Fiber: 3.5 grams.
* Protein: 6 grams.
* Fat: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated).
* Vitamin E: 37% of the RDA.
* Manganese: 32% of the RDA.
* Magnesium: 20% of the RDA.
They also contain a decent amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and phosphorus. This is all from a small handful, which supplies only 161 calories and 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates.

1. Antioxidants


Almonds are a fantastic source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect against oxidative stress, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer

2. Vitamin E


Vitamin E is the name for a group of fat soluble antioxidants. These antioxidants tend to build up in cell membranes in the body, protecting the cells from oxidative damage.Almonds are among the world’s best sources of vitamin E, with just one ounce providing 37% of the recommended daily intake.

3. Heart health


The mono-unsaturated fats, protein and potassium contained in almonds are all instrumental in heart health. Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant and also reduces the risk of heart diseases, while the presence of magnesium in almonds can help avoid heart attacks. Almonds help reduce the presence and impact of C-reactive proteins which causes artery-damaging inflammation. Almonds are also a great source of folic acid. Therefore, they help to reduce the level of homocysteine, which causes fatty plaque buildup in arteries. Furthermore, the flavonoids in the skin of almonds combines with Vitamin E to form a powerful shield against artery wall damage.

4. Diabetes


Almonds also help to reduce the reactionary rise in glucose and insulin levels after meals. This modulation offers protection from the dangerous spikes in blood sugar which diabetics often suffer from following a large meal, or a meal with an unexpectedly high level of sugar in it. Almonds help regulate the abrosption and processing of glucose, making the entire process much smoother, and subsequently safer.

5. Regulates bad cholesterol


Eating almonds regularly can help regulate your cholesterol level. They help raise HDL (high density lipoproteins or “good” cholesterol) and reduce LDL (low density lipoproteins or “bad” cholesterol) levels. This is because almonds are rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

6. Good for your brain


Almonds are a source of many nutrients which help in the development and health of the human brain. They have been connected to a higher intellectual level and they have long been considered an essential food item for growing children. They also contain two vital brain nutrients, riboflavin and L-carnitine, which have been shown to increase brain activity, resulting in new neural pathways and a decreased occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Blood pressure levels


The magnesium in almonds may also help to lower blood pressure levels. High blood pressure is one of the leading drivers of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. A deficiency in magnesium is strongly linked to blood pressure problems, regardless of whether you are overweight or not. Studies have shown that correcting a magnesium deficiency can lead to major reductions in blood pressure.

8. Weight loss


Almonds aid in weight loss due to their nutrient density. The fiber, protein and monounsaturated fat content of almonds can make you feel full and nourished, so you’ll have fewer cravings and be less likely to overeat. They are also full of B vitamins and zinc, which help stop sugar cravings.

9. Bone Health


Almonds are a fantastic source of many vitamins and minerals, and phosphorous is definitely counted among them! Phosphorous can have a considerable impact on the strength and durability of bones and teeth, while also preventing the onset of age-related conditions like osteoporosis.

10. Immune System Strength


Your body has many components that add to overall health, including the alkalinity of the systems. Almonds are great sources for alkali materials, and this is known to benefit the strength of the immune system, as well as increase the ability to stave off diseases and various health conditions. Along with almonds’ contribution to alkaline levels, it also has a high content of Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. It seeks out all the damaging free radicals in the body and eliminates them, because they actually promote chronic diseases and can be horribly hazardous to the body’s organ systems.
