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(Pine)apple a day keeps the doctor away!


We could actually call Pineapple as a ‘Majestic fruit’ since it stands tall with its crown on top and moreover, it is sweet inside. However, there are lots of things about pineapple that you ought to know. Do you know the health benefits that pineapple provides? Yes, it does give you various health advantages along with the ‘deliciousness’. Here you will be able to find eight reasons to eat Hawaii’s native fruit-‘The Pineapple’.Affordability, natural sweetness, digestibility and adequate amounts of Vitamins are the major areas where you could find the pineapple excels.

Here are a few nutritious, tasty reasons to stock up on raw or canned pineapple the next time you go to the supermarket.

1. Pineapple is Rich in Vitamin C


One cup of pineapple chunks includes more than the minimum everyday requirement for Vitamin C. As per the National Institutes of Health (NIH) the minimum requirement is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg for men. And vitamin C aids in protecting against viral infection and inflammation.Therefore, you just need to enjoy the flavour of fresh or canned pineapple to get your everyday dose of vitamin C rather than going for orange juice or grapefruit juice.

2. It’s a Weight-Loss Enhancer


Pineapple makes a healthy snack if you want to drop some pounds since it’s low in calories. Moreover, it is inexpensive and easy to prepare. Pineapple will make you feel full for a longer period of time and hence you will stop snacking in between meals.You can pair Pineapple chunks with low-fat whipped cream, walnuts or a rice dish. The fruit aids in managing food cravings by giving sweetness while maintaining blood sugar level even because of its abundant fibre content.

High-fiber foods assist you in eating less since they help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. According to the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School Pineapple also helps in enhancing blood glucose control. Pineapple is just 94% carbohydrate. So, we can include this in the list of low carb diet plans.

3. Pineapple Helps Digestion and Reduces Inflammation


As per the NIH, Pineapple comprises of bromelain, which is an enzyme that researches show can decrease the inflammation and swelling that occurs in diseases, such as sinusitis, arthritis flare-ups and sore throat.
Pineapple also is suggested for indigestion. According to a Chinese study issued in the Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology in the year 2012, Bromelain may assist in relieving the inflammation linked with ulcerative colitis.If you have any sort of infection or injury, bromelain can aid in reducing the swelling, healing time, bruising and pain after injuries and operation.

4. It Boosts Eyesight


Most of us have heard that carrots help in keeping the eyes bright and healthy. However, recent studies suggest that fruit is even more essential for eye health. There are few fruits which contribute to maintaining the eyesight.According to research in Archives of Ophthalmology, consuming three or more portions of fruit each day may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by atleast 36%.AMD is the primary cause of vision loss in older adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC states that this affects more than 1.8 million Americans over the age of 40.If you add more pineapple to your diet, it will give you more of the antioxidants you require to reduce the growth of this sight-robbing condition.

5. It Helps Keep Your Bones Healthy


If you want to have strong bones and healthy connective tissues, then you need to have the mineral manganese along with Calcium. A single cup of pineapple comprises of around 76% of the suggested daily value of manganese.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Manganese helps in reducing the chances of osteoporosis and also ease symptoms of the bone disease by contributing to promote overall bone and mineral density.
You can also pair pineapple along with other manganese rich fruits like raspberries, blackberries, bananas or strawberries. This will benefit your bones.

6. Pineapple is Affordable, Convenient and Easy-to-Serve
There are lots of seasonal fruits that are available in the market. However, you might find them a little bit expensive. But you need not include pineapples in that list since they are not as expensive and you will be able to find fruits, fresh, frozen and canned pineapple is available year-round in most of the American markets.
The crushed type comes ready to pour on low-fat cottage cheese or over your favourite salad. Pineapple is also available in light or heavy syrup; pick the fruit packed in its own juice for a healthier option.

7. Kids Love It


You can carve the pineapple into rings or chunks, and your children will love them since it is easy to eat and simple to serve.Whenever kids ask for a snack, you can even offer a pop-open can of pineapple. Or you can try storing pineapple chunks and rings in plastic baggies for quick access.

8. Pineapple Recipes Are Easy to Find


You can easily find quick recipes which comprise of Pineapple as the chief ingredient or you can even find your own recipe.For example, you can add pineapples to recipes for pork and salads. It also goes well with many other types of meat and vegetables too. For instance, you can use toothpicks to skewer pineapple chunks covered in brown sugar and their own juice to a weekend or vacation ham.Or you can try the fruit prepared on top of a pork roast, or combine it to applesauce for a tropical flavour and texture. Crushed pineapple goes well in sauces and on sundaes.
