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Yoga Poses To Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Pain


Anxiety can be a bit of a nuisance. Whether you suffer from a generalised or severe anxiety ailment, it can generate feelings of limited control, low self-esteem, panic, persistent fear, defeat and anger.

When there is stress, most people strive to conceal it. Others may struggle with it, often leading to medication as a therapy option with a  hope that the firm grip it has on their lives will be released.

Soothe your mind and body

This move is designed to resist anxiety, reduce backaches, cool hot flashes, and power up your libido.


Child’s Pose:Child-Pose (1)

It is also called as ‘Balsana’ and is a typical amateur yoga pose. It is usually used as a resting position in between more challenging poses during a yoga practice. The name “Balasana” originates from the Sanskrit words “bala” which means “child” and “asana” which means “pose”. You should sit on legs with your hips resting on heels. Now you should lay your chest on your thighs and then relax with your forehead to the floor. Stay for 8 to 10 breaths.

Child’s Pose helps to extend the thighs, hips and ankles while reducing anxiety and fatigue. It slowly unwinds the muscles on the front of the body while calmly stretching the muscles of the posterior torso.

This pose calms, and soothes the brain, thus making it a therapeutic posture for relieving tension. When this pose is performed with the head, and torso supported, it can also assist in reducing back and neck pain. It is otherwise used as a counter-pose to backbends. Child’s Pose restores stability and serenity to the body.





Pigeon Pose:

pigeon (1)Pigeon is truly a change of the advanced pose, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana which is otherwise known as One-Legged King Pigeon Pose. The two poses take comparable alignment in the hips and an important to be addressed thoughtfully and consciously.

You should first come up with hands and knees in a straight position and then slide your right knee forward and towards right wrist and right ankle toward the left wrist. Now you should push the top of left thigh back. Hold it for atleast 5 to 8 breaths.

Most of the yoga practitioners feel that One-Legged King Pigeon is an advanced backbend that demands accurate alignment. Many of us are likely to fold thoughtlessly into the forward bend variety of the Pigeon.  However, this can put a lot of pressure on the sacrum or knee and hence the chances of injury are high.

So as to avoid this sort of injury to your knees or joints, you can do the Pigeon pose by starting with variations that will open the hips slowly and carefully. The moment your hips are open, you will be able to work a well-balanced Pigeon that helps your hips and lower back and ease in your lower back as and when you walk, sit or stand.



Seated Spinal Twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana:

Half-spinal-twist-Ardha-matsyendrasana (1)Ardha Matsyendrasana is the Sanskrit name for Seated Spinal Twist. For the basics, what you need to do is, sit into right hip and swing left leg forward, flexing left knee over the right leg and setting left foot level on the floor. Now you need to rest your right elbow on the outside of left knee, lifting right hand and pushing forefinger and thumb together. Further, you need to place your left hand on the floor behind you. Take deep breaths, lifting torso, then breathe out, twisting further to the left. You should hold it for around 5 to 8 breaths. You can return to the Child’s Pose and repeat sequence on the other side.

It is not easy for the beginners or amateurs, to get their torso snug against the inner thigh. And as for the experts, they can do different variations of this pose, Try to position yourself a foot or more away from a wall, facing your back to the wall. So the correct distance will count on the length of your arms.

You got to reach back to the wall, and while doing this, you need to exhale. The arms should not be totally extended and make sure that you are not too close to the wall. Push the wall away and then move the front torso against the thigh.

If you want to do more variations, it all depends on your flexibility in the hips and spine. You can also bring your upper left arm to the outside of the upper right thigh. Keep your legs in place, exhale and then move on to the right. Incline slightly backwards, away from the upper thigh, and now you need to bend the left elbow, pressing it upon the edge of the upper right thigh. Then nestle the torso in against the thigh and work the upper left arm more on to the outer leg until the back of the shoulder strains against the knee. Try to keep the elbow bent and the hand elevated towards the ceiling. Lean into a small upper-back backbend, setting the shoulder blades against the back and raise the front torso through the top sternum.

All these poses can give you a relaxed mind and body. However, keep in mind that you should not strain yourself too much.
