Washington: It has been found that the US government was telling a lie to the world about the death of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.
The Osama was killed inclined to the facts that Obama could claim political glory as the elections were nearing.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hershhas claimed that the Pakistani government had been holding the 9/11 mastermind in his Abbottabad compound located in a residential area known to be vastly populated by military officials for years.
The CIA learned of his location after a high-ranking intelligence officer in the country is assumed to have tipped off the US in the hope of claiming a $25 million reward.
In his investigation, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh also alleged that the Obama administration negotiated with the Pakistani government and its intelligence officials from the ISI ahead of the raid which was later claimed as a secret infiltration mission.
Hersh, citing an unnamed source, said that Pakistani intelligence services cut the power supply to Bin Laden’s compound ahead of the raid to aid the SEAL team in avoiding local military intervention.
As per the reports, it was not an encounter and there was no firefight.
The only bullets fired were those that killed the terror chief.
It has been pointed out that Barrack Obama was concealed the truth about the raid one year before the US election in a bid to boost popularity of his administration.
As per the article, published in the London Review of Books, Bin Laden was not buried at sea as previously claimed whereas he was in fact buried in Afghanistan.
Hersh has also made clear that Obama’s speech informing the American people about the successful raid was “put together in a sudden.
He has also found out that the Pakistani troops were under strict orders to leave as soon as they heard the rotors of the US helicopters.
The town was dark, the electricity supply had been cut off on the orders of the ISI hours before the raid began.
The US was then claimed that the important documents that they had found at the compound were sources of disputes.
According to the sources the White House had to give impressions that bin Laden was still operationally important.
An unnamed Special Operations Command consultant, also quoted by Hersh in the article, said that the assassination of bin Laden was “political theater designed to burnish Obama’s military credentials”.
The White House is yet to make a comment on these claims.
Video on Obama’s opinion about bin Laden’s death