Tokyo: Sony’s Play-Station network is said to have been shut down due to cyber attack.
It is said that Cyber-attackers had made it totally overloaded.
The condition of the Play-Station is known to be as a distributed denial of service attack.
In a blog post Sony revealed that no personal information had been accessed.
Last day an American Airlines flight carrying a senior Sony executive was also diverted following a bomb threat.
The group claiming responsibility for closing down the network also tweeted suggesting that there was a security threat to the flight.
In a blog Sony said that the Play-Station Network and Sony Entertainment Network had been impacted by an attempt to overpower the network with artificially high traffic.
Sony had already scheduled routine maintenance works to be done on its PlayStation network.
Sony’s 52 million strong PlayStation network had been hit by hacking attacks so many times before, including a security breach in 2011.
Video on Sony play Station Network