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Turkish jets intercept Russian plane in Syria


Ankara: A Turkey foreign minister source said that a spy phone software Russian warplane engaged bombing in Syria was violated Turkey’s air space. According to the foreign sources when the F16 fighter jets of Turkey intercepted, mobile phone spy the Russian war plane was forced to exit Turkish phone spy app airspace. However, the Kremlin spokesman in Moscow did not confirm the incident. The Turkish foreign minister cell phone spy software has spoken about the incident to his Russian counterpart, as well as ministers of other NATO countries. The main intention of Russia’s air strikes in Syria is to support the President Bashar al-Assad. Regarding the ongoing air strikes in Syria, Moscow said that it was targeting Islamic State (IS) positions. But according to Syrian activists, Russian planes have also been targeting other Syrian groups which are not loyal to President Assad.   Video on phone spy app the violation of Turkey Airspace by a Russian warplane
